Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I don't have a picture for this particular post - other than the countdown to graduation just above. It is very difficult to comprehend that we will be done with law school in 99 DAYS!!!!! Although we've only been here for 2.5 years, it seems like a fact, it has been ALL of Landry's lifetime. She was born after Dave's first set of final exams and look at her now.

Anyway, there really isn't a point to this other than recognizing that the end is in sight. There is light at the end of the tunnel and it IS NOT a train!!!

So now, in honor of the 99 remaining days, I'd like to start the "99 bottles of beer on the wall" song because graduation will be here before we know it!! Way to go, Dave - we love you and are SO proud of you!!!


The Wrenns said...

WOW! I know it seems like a lifetime to you guys, but I feel like I've blinked and he's almost done! Congrats, Dave--and I know the whole family is getting very excited!

Hope said...

That is awesome !!!! Congrats to Dave !!

Herb said...

He Dude, You would have made one hellofa son. I'm proud to know ya.

Semper Fi


Herb said...

He Dude, You would have made one hellofa son. I'm proud to know ya.

Semper Fi
